ALICO AIG Life launches 8-800 tall-free telephone line

Kyiv, December 15, 2008 ALICO AIG Life Ukraine has announced a launched of toll-free telephone line. From now on, policy holders, partners and prospective clients from all around Ukraine may call on number 8-800-305-30-10, and get the consultation from company specialist on requested matter.

 “Now, when we have around 200,000 clients from all around the country, we have to pay special attention to the provision of maximum comfort for them. We are trying to be as close with our partners and clients, as we can. Therefore, introducing toll-free telephone line is a logical step towards clients and their satisfaction with our service,” said Andriy Pikula, company’s Chairman of the Board.

The call is free of charge if made from any stationary phone around the country. Calls from mobile phones are charged according to the regular tariff of corresponding mobile operator.