Agora Ukraine launched a job site

«Agora Ukraine» launched - a profiled recruitment service for students and graduates.

Ukrainian companies may use the site for publishing job offers for entry-level positions for inexperienced candidates, information on vacancies or available positions which allow combining study and work and information about the internship programs. The site is addressed to the ambitious, talented young specialists willing to start a career in the renowned companies. is a niche recruitment service addressed to a specific target group, contrary to most of the domestic sites with overall orientation. Profiled reach of the site increases the effectiveness of job offers posted in the service, which are answered by the candidates of desired profile. 

- Using the experience of the successful online recruitment project of Agora in Poland, which is the market leader in the Polish Internet in its category, we want to offer high-quality service to recruitment market in Ukraine. Using employers will be offered the bigger choice of candidates that meet their requirements and will be able to quickly close the entry-level vacancies - said Anastasia Fomenko, project manager of

The main source of income for the site will be providing paid services to employers, such as VIP-profiles, full access to the applications database, additional service «Hot vacancy» and other. is based on the licensed American platform. It offers a wide range of user-friendly functionalities like searching the offers by category, cities and keywords, sending a job application to several employers with one click, etc. The platform was revamped it accordance to the specific demand of the Ukrainian recruitment market by the team of Polish and Ukrainian programmers.

Agora Ukraine company was established in May 2007 by Polish multimedia group Agora SA. The company`s scope of activities entails publishing and Internet activities in Ukraine. It operates, one of the most popular quality blog platforms in the Ukrainian Internet, and the first game portal in Ukraine The company also runs its own Internet advertising sales house, AdBroker.



For more information contact:

Oksana Zhuravel, Marketing and PR Director:

phone: +38 044 229 4636, mob.: +38 067 215 8605, fax: +38 044 543 8905, e-mail:,