Baker Tilly Ukraine strengthens its influence in Northern Region of Ukraine and Autonomous Republic of Crimea

The audit company Baker Tilly Ukraine informs of the opening of its representation office in Northern Ukraine, Odessa city. This very step will assist Baker Tilly Ukraine in establishing more effective and closer co-operation with company’s clients of Northern regions of Ukraine, as well as in the Crimean region.

Such decision making was based primarily on huge potential of this region, stable tendency for economic and industrial growth, as well as recently increasing investment activity.

Managing partner of Baker Tilly Ukraine Alexandr Pochkun stated that the Company is most interested in transport and marine branches of industry, logistics and harbor, and also agriculture branch and real estate market which are perspective and well-known for our Company.

In his opinion, these economic sectors have huge growth potential.

Baker Tilly Ukraine intends to strengthen co-operation with leaders and key players of wine branch and shipbuilding, real estate, construction, as well as it aims at widening the co-operation practice with companies representing the food industry, transport and communication services.


The office situated in Odessa will be headed by Steven Slack who possesses great experience and knowledge in providing audit and consulting services.

Mr. Slack has spent more than 17 years working in leading audit companies, such as PriceWaterhouseCoopers, KPMG in different countries of the world. For the last four years Steven Slack has headed the Ukrainian representation of audit company Moore Stephens Ukraine.


Mr. Slack is convinced that in the nearest years the services in the markets of mergers and takeovers, consulting services in respect of business restructuring as well as audit services on assisting the companies to enter the international markets of financial borrowings, will be of great demand.

Office of «Baker Tilly Ukraine» in Odessa city is situated at address:

Uspensaya str., 39/1

Odessa city, 65014 Ukraine

Tel. /Fax: +380 48 734 78 83

Office of «Baker Tilly Ukraine» in Donetsk city is situated at address:

Chelyuskinchev str.,157 А

Tel. (+38 062) 312 58 49 / 312 59 79

Fax (+38 062) 312 51 66

Office of «Baker Tilly Ukraine» in Kiev city is situated at address:

Fizkultury str., 28

Tel. (+38 044) 284 18 65

Fax (+38 044) 284 18 66

Office of «Baker Tilly Ukraine» in London is situated at address:

World Headquarters

2, Bloomsbury Street

London WC1B 3ST

United Kingdom

Tel.: +44 (20) 7413 5100

Fax: +44 (20) 7413 5101

Reference information: 

Baker Tilly Ukraine is a leading independent audit company, one of the biggest companies in the market of audit and consulting services of Ukraine.

Baker Tilly Ukraine has rich experience in providing services to the enterprises of chemical, engineering, food, pharmaceutical, woodworking, aircraft industries, fuel and energy complex, transport, construction and development, mass-media, publishing houses, trade companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Great experience in various branches of industry, complex approach to rendering services to clients, full range of professional services provided by Baker Tilly Ukraine, allow to realize our potential to the maximum extend and to solve the most difficult tasks.

Audit conduction according to Ukrainian and International Standards, tax audit, preparation of financial statements in compliance with IFRS, tax consulting, preparing and accompanying the investment deals, assets valuation, management and financial consulting – these make only a part of services provided by Baker Tilly Ukraine.

Representation offices of Baker Tilly Ukraine operate in Kiev and Donetsk cities, but the geographical limits of our activities are much wider. Participation of Baker Tilly Ukraine in Baker Tilly International network permits to offer services to our clients in world financing centers.

Baker Tilly International unites 138 companies from 104 countries. The head-office is located in London. Number of employees reaches 24 thousand persons, the global aggregate revenue has increased by 9% and constituted USD 2,5 billion (statistics for June, 2007). Baker Tilly (England) took part in IPO for more than 120 companies in AIM (Alternative Investment Market) of London Stock Exchange and was declared “Auditor of the year” in 2003-2006.

Participation in association gives the clients of Baker Tilly Ukraine the opportunity to use the unique branch experience accumulated by Network members. Support is guaranteed to our clients in any of 104 countries of the world having Baker Tilly International offices.

Baker Tilly Ukraine is registered in PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board), which is non-commercial organization aiming at review of the financial statements of open joint-stock companies.

We have been carrying out our activities in the Ukrainian market since April 1999 in accordance with Law of Ukraine “About audit activities, adopted Standards of Auditing and Ethics of International Federation of Accountants”.