GolfStream Project invites you to be guests of fascinating tournaments that close 2008 Sport Season


GolfStream Project invites you to be guests of fascinating tournaments that close 2008 Sport Season in Kiev Golf Club. A manifold original competition format and an eventful program will make your time unordinary and memorable.

For ACCREDITATION call +38 067 442 25 17.

After the Club gets your application and confirm it, you will receive a notice and will be put on the list of guests.


September 23 – October 11, 2008

"All is included" – heat of the game and sport skills show, combination of competition with mutual respect and admiration, awarding winners with valuable and prestigious prizes!

In August 2008 the Club has initiated a unique marathon of tournaments – "Cup of Kiev Golf Club". Men and women competitions are taking place every week in the framework of this series. Final games are coming and after them names of the strongest and most active players will become known:

- Cup of Kiev Golf Club – Men’s Tour: September 23, 2008;

- Cup of Kiev Golf Club – Ladies’ Tour: September 24, 2008.

Additionally, in September – October 2008 the Club holds:

- "Olympic" Tournament: September 27, 2008.

Besides the main contest, the program includes:

· A film about Wollemi Pine – a unique ancient plant, a specimen of which will be presented to a winner

· The Longest Drive & Closest to the Pin competitions

· Barbecue party

- Children Tournament: October 3, 2008. Children will play in three age groups (from 6 to 16 years old). Parents will accompany them as assistants – caddies.

- Night Tournament: October 4, 2008. It is sport "exotics", which is quite known to professional golfers. The game lasts about one hour and a half at night, when it is dark and that is why participants use special balls and comply with strict dress-code requirement of white clothing. During a ceremonial part of the event, players and guest will be presented with fireworks show!

- "Goodbye Season" Tournament: October 11, 2008. This final game of the season promises to be exciting sport and will be rich with amazing prizes from organizers of the tournament series.

Besides the main competition, the program includes:

· The Longest Drive & Closest to the Pin competitions

· Music Festival

· Season Closing Ceremony

· Barbecue party

· Festive fireworks and fabulous treat for participants and guests with a gala cake!

Tournaments will take place on 9 holes PARK COURSE of the Club. The course, which was solemnly opened in July 2008, received a whole series of professional games during the last two months, including the second stage of Ukrainian Golf Cup. Good class and technical perfection of the course received excellent marks from experts in Ukraine and abroad. But the main result is that Ukrainian golfers are very happy now and GolfStream Project team works for them and because of them.

The Club is grateful to all Media representatives, who got interested in our work and, of course, helped the Project "to come to the lips" of the modern world of sport.

Closing our First Season of Tournaments, we would like it to be remembered both because of bright summer presentations in the beginning of it and unusual sport events in the end.

Detailed information about a format, game conditions and the program of Tournaments Season Closing is provided on the Club`s website  in "Tournament" folder.


Project "GolfStream. Kiev Golf Club"