Crediting, Insurance and Real Estate-2007 Exhibition

From the 13th until the 15th of November of the year 2007 in the very center of Kyiv, the Sports Palace, at the address 1 Ploscha Sportyvna., Kyiv, Crediting, Insurance and Real Estate International Specialized Exhibition & Forum II will take place. The Exhibition is held under the support of Association of real estate specialists (realtors) of Ukraine.

The purpose of the Exhibition is presentation of information and services to all concerned in financial services, crediting, mortgages, sale and rent of real estate, developer’s services, investments, insurance services.

The Exhibition will take place in the very center of the capital of Ukraine in the Sports Palace. Concurrently with the Crediting, Insurance and Real Estate Exhibition the other Jurisprudence-2007 Specialized Exhibition will take place.

Leading financial and investment organizations, banks, insurance companies, developers’ companies, investments funds and realtors’ agencies will be presented at the Exhibition & Forum. Besides, there will be introduced the companies providing real estate acquisition services abroad (Spain, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey).

It is expected that the Exhibition & Forum will be visited by 10 000 people and planned that 70 companies will participate in it. Should you need further information of the Exhibition and to make an order for invitation, please, visit our web-site.

Exhibition working hours:

November 13 – from 11.00 until 18.00;

November 14 – from 10.00 until 18.00;

November 15 – from 10.00 until 16.00.

To clarify any questions regarding participation in the event contact the Exhibition organising committee

tel/fax: +38 (044) 543-98-75, 531-91-33


We invite all persons/parties concerned to take part and visit the International Exhibition & Forum