As of 10.00 a.m., according to Yanukovych`s regional HQs, 714 complaints about violations were lodged, 110 of them allowed, 50 turned down

As of 10.00 according to the information from regional headquarters of Victor Yanukovych, 714 complains about violations of the electoral legislation were lodged, out of them 110 were allowed, 50 were turned down. This is said in the statement of Yanukovych`s central HQ, obtained by UNIAN. Local electoral commissions received complaints about violations of the legislation during the rerun of the second round: from the Vinnytsia oblast – 7 complaints, from the Dnipropetrovsk oblast – 122 complaints, 98 of them allowed, from the Zhytomyr oblast – 48 complaints, 2 allowed, 40 turned down, from the Kharkiv oblast – 36 complaints, 10 allowed, 5 turned down, from Kyiv – 374 complains, from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea – 3 complaints, 2 turned down. The Central Electoral Commission has received complaints about the course of the voting 4 complaints from the Dnipropetrovsk oblast, 11 – from the Zhytomyr oblast, 52 – from the city of Kyiv, 1 – from the Kharkiv oblast.