Ukrainian Media Holding starts ‘Let’s save Ukraine’ action

Having stated the necessity to save the territorial integrity of Ukraine, the group of companies ‘Ukrainian Media Holding’ announced about its action called ‘Let’s save Ukraine!’
As UNIAN was informed in Ukrainian Media Hoding, the action started December, 1st. The goal of the project is to unify the readers of newspapers, readio listeners, professional advertisers aroung the idea of single independent Ukraine.
A few million people in all regions of Ukraine, readers of Ukrainian issues of the ‘Komsomolska Pravda’ and the ‘Arguments and the Facts’, sports and entertainment publications, listeners of the radio stations, which are parts of the Holding, will read and hear the statement and in this way will become participants of the action.
‘Two weeks ago we didn’t even think we could be separated. People, listen to your heart, and not to politicians! Ukraine is one family!’ is written on the first poster offered by the ‘Sahar’ creative bureau and published in the `Komsomolska Pravda in Ukraine’ the ‘Arguments and the Facts in Ukraine’.
The action is opened for all advertisers, journalists, publishers who share its ideas.