The responsability is necessary after the elections in Ukraine

Ukrainian Gelsinki Association in human rights and International Gelsinki Federation in human rights stressed that it is necessary during the revoting of the second tour to replace the people who were responsable for abnormalities in elections. It refers mainly election commissions, meembers of the government, workers of the public prosecution, and heads of regional, district state administrations. It is also very important to invastigate all fixed mass falsifications. And the responsable persons were called to account.

These organisations think that the accusation of mass infractions of the election law during both election tours can`t be ignored.

Ukrainian Gelsinki Association in human rights and International Gelsinki Federation in human rights have examined the election company in Ukraine since the very beginning. They confessed that all company was damaged by numorous by mass infractions of the law and the international liabilities.

They appeal to Ukrainian courts to act as the independent state power institutions.

`Novyj Vybir 2004`