Supreme Court didn’t satisfy Yanukovych’s representatives’ petition on subpoena of heads of territorial electoral commissions from Luhansk and Donietsk regions.

Supreme Court of Ukraine decided not to call the heads of territorial electoral commissions from Luhansk and Donietsk regions as witnesses to court and thus did not satisfy Yanukovych’s representatives’ petition.
As UNIAN correspondent reports, corresponding decision was announced just after a small break in SC’s sitting, in the course of which judges were taking counsel.
Yushchenko’s representatives also standed against subpoena of heads of territorial electoral commissions from Luhansk and Donietsk regions. They explain this in terms that in this case the interests of declarant and his opponent coincide, because Yanukovych in his appeal confirmed that mass violations of elective rights of the voters did occur during the second round of the elections. The court also didn’t satisfy one more petition of Yanukovych’s representatives. The point was that one of representatives – Olena Ostash – asked court to close the part of appeal where declarant asked to recognize the results of the elections on November, 21 invalid and recognize as a president the candidate who got the majority of votes on November, 31. On Ostash’s opinion this part should be closed because the court is not authorized to decide the results of the elections. The court refused in satisfaction of this petition, because in the opinion of CEC’ members, demands of the declarant are a way of protecting voters’s rights and renewal of their violated right of expressing will.
Valeriy Bondyk, CEC’s representative, appealed to Court with petition to add to the materials of the case written statements of the heads heads of territorial electoral commissions from Luhansk and Donietsk regions.