The decree of Verkhovna Rada that was passed on the 27-th of November is a political act, the decree that was passed today is both legal and poitical

The decree of Verkhovna Rada that was passed on the 27-th of November is a political act, the decree that was passed today is both legal and poitical. It was stated by the Head of Verkhovna Rada at the press-conference after the meeting with Oleksandr Kvasnevskyj and Hahjer Solana. He also informed about the planned meeting with Kushma and `round table` with Kvasneskyj, Adamkus, and olana. Lytvyn thinks that the situation should have the complex solution. He stressed that first of all the examination of the case in the Supreme Court should be finished. Only than it will be possible to speake about the approval of one of the candidates as the President of Ukraine or about proclaiming the repeated voting.

Then, it is necessary to work at the introductions to the Constitution and changes in the law on the elections of the peresident. Moreover, all the steps should be legitimate. The Sides understand that they should move in this direction and in three days they can reach the realization of political agreement and necessary laws.

Mr. Lytvyn considers that the fact that many MR`s were absent made the parliament adopt such resolution.

Media Center `Kandydat`