The political solution of the crisis will not just stabilize the political situation in the country but also influence positively on the economical situation

The Head of the National Rescue Committee Vyktor Yushchenko declared its position about the solution of political crisis at the meeting with the President of Poland Oleksandr Kvasnevskyj, the President of the Lithuanian Republic Valdas Adamkus, the Supreme Representative of European Union in Affairs of Commen Foreign and Security Policy Havjer Solana, and the Minister in Foreign Affairs of Poland Vlodzimezh Zimoshevych.

He stressed one more time that he is against the violent solution of the crisis and supports only the peace regulation of the situation. Vyktor Yushchenko resolutely condemned the separatism in some regions of Ukraine.

During the meeting with foreign representatives Yushchenko stressed that ukrainian nation demonstrates extremely high level of the civil consciousness, and only thanks the active civil position of Ukrainian people the parliament was able to pass positive decrees today and on the 27-th of November.

Yushchenko emphasized that political elites do not have to delay not just the solution of the political crisis but also the concrete activities. `The political solution of the crisis will not just stabilize the political situation in the country but also influence positively on the economical situation`.

Europe stated that it observes the political situation in the country very attentively. It appeals to all parties of the conflict to conduct negotiations.

Novyj Vybor 2004