Today the parliament is going to examine the project of the decree about non-legitimacy o presidential elections, separatism, and resignation of government and General Public Prosecutor

Today Verkhovna Rada is going to examine the project of the decree about non-legitimacy o presidential elections, separatism, and resignation of government and General Public Prosecutor.

On the 30-th of November Verkhovna Rada assumed such a project of the decree as basis that contains the issues about abeyance of giving effect to paragraphs of the decree accepting presidential elections as non-democratic and proclaiming no confidence to the Central Election Commission that has been passed on the 27-th of November by Verkhovna Rada. This project was passed by 231 deputies. This project of the decree on the contrary to the project prepared by the work group of the parliament does not include issues about government and General Public Prosecutor resignation and calling to account heads of some regional state administrations that supported separatism.

In the evening on the 30-th of November the Conciliatory Council of deputy fractions and groups reached agreement to continue the examination of the political situation in the country and to view the third project of the decree. The Head of Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Lytvyn said that he was going to put to the vote the issue about the abguration of election results on the basis of the decree offered by the deputies of SDPU(u) and `Regiony Ukrainy` in which the abguration of decrees about non-democratic character of the elections and proclaiming no confidence to the CEC are provided. Lytvyn stressed that every issue of the project will be put to the vote separately including the issues about the resignation of the government and General Public Prosecutor.