Yushchenko believes Kuchma is involved in separatism

Leader of ‘Our Ukraine’ bloc believes President Kuchma is involved in separatism. He stated this to journalists, Candidate Media Center informs. ‘Kuchma is involved in the processes which are going on in the East now’, Yushchenko said. He highlighted that all ideas about the autonomy have been spread by Kuchma’s representatives – heads of region state administrations. According to Yushchenko, one word of Kuchma is enough for governors who express separatist ideas, including Yevgen Kushnaryov, to resign. Viktor Yushchenko calls on the President to fire governors of the Eartern regions immediately. ‘We have already talked about that,’ Yushcheko highlighted. According to Mr.Yushchenko, he is going to insist on resignation of the governors who have expressed separatist ideas.