Address of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ivano-Frankivsk Department to the people of Trans-Carpathians, law enforcement representatives of the regions

Ministry of Internal Affairs Ivano-Frankivsk Department addressed the people of the Trans-Carpathians, law enforcement representatives of the regions with such statement:
‘Social-political situation in Ukraine has become much more serious and can turn out to be out of controll. In the state and towns of the region, mass events are taking place, where bodies of internal affairs protect legal order in the society. We are thanful to the organizators and participants of the mass events for their patience and tolerance, help given to the militia employees providing the legal order. Employees of internal affairs` bodies have taken the owth and will always stay faithful to the people of Ukraine, following the Constitution and the legislation of Ukraine.

We, the leaders of the Bodies of Internal Affairs of Ivano-Frankivsk, keeping in mind the threat for Ukraine to lose its sovereignty due to the decision of the Central Election Committee of Ukraine, we cannot stay away from the processes which are going on in Ukraine today, we are stating the following:

1.Due to the current situation, the main task of the bodies of internal affairs is to provide legal order, non-admission of violence and to follow legislation.

2.We are staying faithful to Ukrainian people, the Owth and urging the militia and law enforcement representatives to do the same.

3.We are supporting the will of the people of the Carpathians and supporting decisions of the local governments about providing legal order in the regions.

New Choice - 2004