Today Yanukovych’s supporters daranged the meeting of Yushchenko

Today supporters of Viktor Yanukovych deranged the meeting of Viktor Yushcheko which has been previously approved by the city government. In Donetsk, at 13 o’clock, near Shevchenko monument a meeting in favor of Viktor Yushchenko had to take place. But supporters of Viktor Yanukovych who had white and blue symbolism on started their meeting at 11 a.m. in the square. Participants of the meeting were chanting `Yanukovych is our president`.

According to managers of one of Odessa companies, who came to support Yushchenko, the supporters of Yanukovych literally attacked one of the girls who was wearing pink ribbon.
About 5 thousands of Yanukovych’s supporters participated in the demonstration in favor of Yanukovych.