53% of people voted for Yushchenko, 44% for Yanukovych - according to the results of the National exit-poll

53% voters voted for the candidate Yushchenko November 21st and 44% for Yanukovych. Those are the final results of the National exit-poll which was held by the Kyiv International Institute of sociology and Ukrainian centre of economical and political investigations by the name of Razumkova. 2,8% of the voters voted against both candidates. The difference between two candidates is 9% and about 2 796 000 votes.
The difference between the results of the Central Electorial Committee and the results of exit-poll as for the votes for the candidates is about 12% or more than 3,5 million of votes.
Questioning at the exit of the districts was held in 460 electorial districts and in general 28363 voters were questioned.
The margin of error is about 2%. 79% of people agreed to response.
The questioning was held by the means of anonumous questionnaire design.
New Choice-2004