Zmiiv Raion Council (Kharkiv region) took a decision supported Viktor Yanukovych, Kyiv media trade union announced. The Council adopted a declaration calling to shut down the TV companies, `Era` and `Tonis`, broadcasting the 5th Channel in the region, for spread of false information undermining the state order. The declaration was sent out today to the top officials in the country.

During the session, the head of the administration criticized the only oppositional newspaper in the city, `Zmiiv Kuryer`. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper stated that it was planned to include his newspaper in the declaration, too. The editor-in-chief shared his concern regarding printing of the first issue of the newspaper which is scheduled for Friday. According to him, in order to continue publishing the newspaper, the editorial board has to find new printing house each time. As of today, four printing houses have already rejected to publish the newspaper.

Source: `New Choice 2004`